Do you know Food Portela?
Atendemos toda a América.

- Our products have already won important awards at national level.
- We work with different packages and weights, serving both small retailers and large wholesalers and industrial kitchens.
- Our line is made up of traditional flavors: Milk caramel, Guava pastes, Bananadas, Cocadas, Pé de Moleque and others....
- Our products are produced from In Natura Milk and Fruits, providing unparalleled quality and flavor..
- We produce in compliance with the standards of good manufacturing practices of SIF and ANVISA. We have trained staff and the best cleaning and hygiene materials.
Sweet is Portela!

Milk caramel

Our sweet specialty

Download our updated catalog.

Award-winning guava pastes

Best-selling Guava paste cascão.

Milk caramel.

Milk caramel whith plum

Bars 30g e 50g

Display Bars 30g

Little Cubes 200g

Bars 300g

Bars 7Kg

Jars 50g

Display Jars 50g

Jars 320g

Can 800g

Buckets 4,5 kg

Buckets 9 kg

Bucketss 10 kg

Coffee Export

Be sure to check out our options.

Selected coffee & export type

The difference you need

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